October 14, 2024

Prioritizing Quality and Integrity in Improved Forest Management

April 9, 2024

In this collaborative case study, Appalachian Carbon Exchange and Finite Carbon talk about the history of our unique partnership and the importance of prioritizing integrity within Forest Management projects. 

The case study covers the following main points: 

  • ACE and the Tennessee River Gorge Trust's history with Finite Carbon
  • Why Finite Carbon's experience lends well to developing a complex aggregated IFM project
  • How local challenges are being addressed with local solutions
  • Development pressures faced by the landowners in the ACE project
  • Insights into the methodology structure of the ACE project
  • More information on our second Cohort

This case study touches on the integrity behind the ACE Forest Management project, and why this was a priority from day one. With Finite's extensive experience, ACE knew that the project would be developed in accordance with the American Carbon Registry's rigorous monitoring and verification standards. This ensures that the carbon sequestration is real, additional, permanent, verifiable, and enforceable.

Read full case study here.